4 Ways to Combat Spring Forward

It’s Monday Morning after Daylight Savings Time change. My husband’s 3:00 am alarm just went off and he struggles to get up. It’ll be fun getting his teenaged daughter out of bed as well. I on the other-hand am wide awake. I’ll feel it after a few days. 

So how do you feel this morning? Are you like my husband and teenage daughter groggy and sleepy or are you like me, awake but know it’ll catch up with you later?  

Here are 4 ways to get through the time change AFTER it happens. (Let’s face it, we could have planned ahead to adapt but didn’t and probably never will.)

1.  Feeling tired? Try to avoid taking a nap late in the day that may keep you up longer. Instead, take a walk or exercise for even 10 minutes. 

2.  If you simply can’t avoid a nap, nap earlier rather than later and limit to 20 minutes. 

3. Not hungry at meal time? Eat anyway. Keep to your regular meal times, even if you don’t eat as much. Your body will adjust in a few days. 

4.  Feeling down? For most, the weather is starting to warm up. Take advantage of the extra hour of light in the evening by spending some time outside or with the windows or shades open.  You may find yourself naturally rejuvenated and happier and dreaming of all the fun things you will do this Spring and Summer. 

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Balancing the Scale

Part of finding my balanced life included losing weight. I decided at the beginning of the year that this was my year! So far I have lost 13 pounds! I have been watching what I eat and taking my It Works! Supplements. I have even gained enough confidence to wear leggings in public!  I have not worn leggingsas part of an outfit since I was 12 but I did on my way home from Mexico last week!  I can’t wait to share my journey with you. It’s just the beginning!

To Be Continued….

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Menu Planning

One of the things that I have started doing that helps decrease my stress and give me more time for myself and my family, is to menu plan. I typically menu plan 2 weeks at a time. I have magnetic notepad on the refridgerator that has all the days of the weeks down the left and room for the grocery list on the right. I will fill in the menu for the 2 weeks but I will put the ingredients I need for each week on the week BEFORE. This allows me to tear off my sheet and take it to the store without losing my menu. Another thing I do is take a picture of my list to take with me if I am going in the middle of the week.

A lot of my recipes are from my all natural food company I represented. I have a binder of our favorite meals as well as some menus from various sites such as this one from momswhothink.com http://bit.ly/15OlbY.  I also keep blank calendar pages in there for those times I really want to plan ahead.  I also have a stash of cookbooks I like to reference when I want to try something new or have a specific ingredient in mind.

Though I do the majority of the grocery shopping, my husband likes to shop and is always on the look out for deals on meat.  He keeps our freezer full!  Last year we went out the night before the major holidays when the stores would be closed for a day and found the items that had to be sold prior to the day after the holiday were discounted.  This proved to be a great way to stock our freezer!  This year I definitely need a lot more chicken since we typically only have beef and pork in our freezer.

So when I do my menu planning, I take stock of what is in the freezer and plan accordingly.  This cuts down on the grocery list.  However, if I am putting together some freezer meals, I will buy fresh, then freeze since you do not want to thaw and refreeze meat.  This year, I think I will plan to put some freezer meals together prior to the meat heading to the freezer!

I like to go through my menu every night after dinner.  This allows me to pull whatever is needed out of the freezer to thaw.  I have found that I have to do this 2 days ahead to thaw in the refridgerator.  I don’t always do this with meat going into crockpot meals but I do it for the freezer meals I have already assembled.

The great thing about menu planning, freezer meals, and using the crockpot, I don’t have to be the one cooking every night.  My family can chip in and help with dinner too because they know what we are having and everything is ready to go.



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More Than Just A Business

I was recently reading through some Facebook group posts on connecting through social media and came across one that asked, “What are your 3 passions?” This question made me stop in my tracks. The question was meant to get me to stop and think and take those things that matter most to me and share it with others through my business. (Look for a future post on my 3 passions.)

This took me back to my blog and why I started this at the beginning of the year. I was on a journey to create my balanced life. This journey led me to discover my direct sales business. Then I got to thinking, creating my balanced life is about more than just my direct sales business but my business is the key to getting me there. There are so many things that I want to do and enjoy in life. Sure the first step to creating my balanced life was to narrow my direct sales focus, but it is also about me giving enough time to myself, my family, and our dreams. Yes, there are always the things we have to get done to make room for what we want to do.

So I will be branching out and exploring some of the day-to-day things I do to help create my balanceed life and allows me more time for myself, my family, and our dreams.

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Your Why Should Make You Cry

In a previous post, I focused on defining my why but it was my broad why.  It helped me to determine what things I needed to keep in my life and what needed to go.

Now that I have been with my health supplements company for almost 4 months now, I can say that I truly have my why for being in this business.  This business is changing my life every day.  My goals and visions are stronger than they have ever been.

What makes this direct sales adventure different than my other 2?  Well, it would be that my why makes me cry.  I discovered my deeper why.  I originally thought it was purely to help women fit a healthy lifestyle into their busy lives.  It was more than that.

When I met my upline a year ago in a vendor group, I was immediately drawn to her energy, focus, and positive attitude.  I knew I wanted to work with her in some way beyond the vendor group.  Her Facebook posts were always positive and talking about how well her team was doing and how they truly function as a team with one goal in mind and not a bunch of people all competing with themselves. 

However, I didn’t think I’d join her team.  I already had 2 direct sales companies right, another 3rd would be foolish.  So I planned to have a party to support her and learn more about the products so I could find a way to network with her since it was a good fit with the all natural food company I represented.

In the back of my mind, I had always been concerned with my weight and my health.  When I graduated high school, I weighed 105 lbs.  That was 14 years ago.  Now, weighing a little more than twice that, I knew I needed to do something different than what I have always been doing.  I didn’t feel like my positive upbeat self and I was always tired and worn out.  Nothing I had done for the past 2 years to lose weight had helped.  I just didn’t have the type of support in my life that I needed. 

When I had my party, I heard my friend’s story (her why) and about the products and I realized that if I wanted to change, I needed to be submerged in an environment that supported a healthy lifestyle but in a positive way.  A place where transition was ok and encouraged. 

The cost to sign up was low and I knew I was dropping one of my direct sales businesses.  I was going to work this business as a business and not a hobby.  I needed this for my health and sanity.  I also didn’t realize it at the time, but I needed a focus.

So my why makes me cry when I tell other people of how full of life the half size version of myself was and how I want to get back to that.  I want to be surrounded by people with the same goals who care about me and my success, not only my weight loss journey but my journey to have a successful home business.

I found the perfect place and fit in my health supplements direct sales company.  I am determined and focused and I work my business every day.  In less than 4 months, I have built a team of 10 with month sales at $4,000, I’ve promoted twice, I’ve lost 8 lbs and it’s only the beginning.

If your why doesn’t make you cry, then you didn’t dig deep enough.  Sure, I want to make some money to buy a new car but that doesn’t compel me to push a little harder when I’ve had a bad day or ask one more person if they are interested in hosting a party after I already got 9 no’s that day. Your why needs to be the thing you think about every day.  The thing that you are so passionate about that your brain doesn’t know the difference between your dreams and your reality.  Without a clear vision and goal, you cannot be successful.  You have to know why you are in this business and where you want to go.

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My Personal Brand (Direct Sales)


Since I was already with an all natural food company, the all natural health supplements company seemed like a good fit.  I initially thought my personal brand was to offer all natural products.  The more I thought about it the more I realized that this wasn’t the best brand for me.

The appeal to the food company for me was the meals I am able to make and throw in the freezer allowing my family to eat healthy even on busy days.  Then I realized that the food supplements company offers customers a weight loss and health solution to help speed up and enhance the healthy eating and exercise that they are already doing.  Pair that with my busy life and my personal brand was born.  I help women fit a healthy lifestyle into their busy lives.  I decided my focus would be women who are busy caring for others and take little time for themselves.

What is your personal brand?  What do you stand for?  What resonates throughout your life?

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Exploring Direct Sales

Even though my branding session with Lisa at organize365.com help me determine that direct sales was not my ultimate goal, I decided that I wanted to give my health supplements company everything I have.  The team, product, and opportunities gave me the perfect formula for success.  I’d be a fool not to give it all I’ve got!

In the almost 4 months with the health supplements company, I have learned a lot about myself, developed lasting friendships, lost some weight, and I feel great about myself.  I have 7 people in my downline and we aren’t stopping there!  I am in a constant state of excitement as I watch my team reach goals and go the extra mile.  I find myself thinking about my business first thing in the morning and the last thing before I go to bed.

I am learning to stop making excuses and to get out there and work my business.

Direct Sales may not be my ultimate goal, but it is definitely changing my life and helping me reach my goals!




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My Branding Session with Lisa Woodruff

In preparation for my branding session with Lisa Woodruff of Organize365.com, Lisa sent me a questionnaire so she could get to know me, my goals, and ideas.  In a previous blog post, Dreams, I listed all of the ideas I had for a business/focus.

This is my list:
1.  Custom children’s clothing shop
2.  Custom made wedding dress shop/bridal rental shop
3. Custom fit lingerie and  undergarment shop
4. Small business consultant
5. Wedding reception location and rentals
6. Sewing teacher
7. Wedding planner
8.  Invitations
9.  One stop wedding shop

  I listed all of these things for Lisa so she could help me determine what my focus should be.  Lisa now had a glimpse into my craziness and had a better understanding of what my passions were.  I was excited about the meeting and confident that our 1 hour session would give me clarity.

Through talking with Lisa, I quickly realized how similar we are.  It was comforting to know that she understood where I was coming from.  As we went through the questionnaire, it became clear that Direct Sales was not my long term goal.  I love all the products that direct sales companies have to offer and I support those business.  However, we also realized that I would eventually get bored and want to move on. 

Lisa asked me about my hobbies and we determined that my hobbies should be just that, my hobbies.  These are the things that bring me joy.  I have not worked on a paper crafting project or sewing project for me in a very long time.  I needed to find something that would give me a focus, move me forward as a business owner, but also allowed me time to focus on the true joy of my hobbies for me and no one else. 

Lisa asked me to think more about my MBA project.  My team worked with a friend of mine who has a small local retail/service business to develop a 5 year growth plan.  I really enjoyed the problem solving and ability to help my friend succeed with her business and reach her goals.  As Lisa and I discussed this project and my relationship with my friend, she helped me to realize that this is what I needed to do.  Not only could I help others to reach their goals, I could also use my MBA which I had just spent a lot of money on.

Lisa suggested I follow up with my friend and find out how her company is growing in comparison with the plan I helped put in place.  This would help me in reaching out to new clients.  So it was decided, I would focus on helping small companies develop business plans and growth plans to reach their goals.

Now for direct sales, I decided to hang on to my representation with the food company and the health supplement company for now but focus on the health supplement company.  If anything, it would be a means to learn more about running a successful company and help me make some extra money.

So I have a long-term and short-term focus!

Long-term:  Helping small businesses reach their goals

Short-term:  Help women fit a healthy lifestyle into their busy lives through my 2 direct sales companies.

Keep hobbies as a source of joy and relaxation.


I feel refreshed and focused.  I have a start of a plan!

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When you finished high school or graduated from college, did you have these big dreams that seemed to push you forward as you entered into the real world?  Where are those dreams today?  Are you living them?  Have you forgotten about them?

In March, after signing up with the health supplements company,  I decided to follow what the other distributors were saying and doing.  I was so energized.  My first task was to create my dream board.

During this activity, I realized that I had forgotten of my dream to tour the castles of Europe.  So I put it on my board.  These are the things that will help motivate me to keep going.

What are your dreams?  Make a dream board and go after your dreams!

This week I have been thinking about all those dreams I have had of starting my own business or company that was to be the heart of my dream board. 

Do you have a dream to set off on your own doing something specific?  Write them down!

One website I found to be a great resource is myownbusiness.org.  It takes you through the entire process of determining if you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur, how to determine what you should do, and how to get there.

There is a section that takes you through the process of determining what you should do.  I started a journal to keep track of all of my ideas and activities from this website.  I found it hard to do the pros and cons that will help me pick.

This is my list:
1.  Custom children’s clothing shop
2.  Custom made wedding dress shop/bridal rental shop
3. Custom fit lingerie and  undergarment shop
4. Small business consultant
5. Wedding reception location and rentals
6. Sewing teacher
7. Wedding planner
8.  Invitations
9.  One stop wedding shop

I am looking forward to my appointment with Lisa Woodruff from Organize365.com.  I can’t wait to have some light shed of my dilemma. 

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